######### # Media # ######### # Toggle mute XF86AudioMute pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle # Toggle mic mute # pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle # Change volume XF86Audio{Raise,Lower}Volume pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ {+,-}2% # Change volume #super + {k,j} # pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ {+,-}2% # Change volume, chunky #super + shift + {k,j} # pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ {+,-}10% #Toggle play/pause in spotify (universal) #super + F4 # playerctl -p spotify play-pause #super + ; #dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause # Change spotify volume only #super + ctrl + {Up,Down} #playerctl -p spotify volume #super + {F3,F5} #spotifyvol{inc,dec}.py # Change tracks spotify only #super + ctrl {Left,Right} #playerctl -p spotify {previous,next} ################ # Applications # ################ # Launch Brave super + q brave super + ctrl + q brave --incognito super + alt + q brave --tor # Launch wa super + shift + w whatsapp-nativefier # Launch ranger super + r exec $TERMINAL ranger #Launch <go,h,bash>top super + shift {g,h,b} exec $TERMINAL {go,h,bash}top # Launch outlook #super + e # brave https://outlook.office365.com/mail/inbox # Launch teams super + shift + t teams -no-sandbox # Launch spotify super + shift + m spotify # Launch discord super + shift + d discord # Launch telegram super + ctrl + t telegram-desktop # dmenu custom run super + d dmenu_run -hp setbg,xkill,pidkill,librewolf,telegram-desktop,bts,trashy,dmount,dumount,picomm,passmenu #dmenu emoji-picker (universal) super + F1 emojisel #dmenu emoji-picker (active-window) super + F2 emojiselw #dmenu pidkill super + F3 pidkill # dmenu wifi-menu super + ctrl + w wifi-menu # dmenu vpn-menu super + ctrl + v vpn-menu #dmenu kill super + alt + w xkill #screenlock #loads cached lockscreen (instant) super+ shift +l betterlockscreen --lock dimblur #generates a new lockscreen (takes time) super+ ctrl + l betterlockscr # Change screen brightness XF86MonBrightness{Up,Down} brillo -s intel_backlight -{A,U} 5 && dunstify -u normal -t 3000 -r 90210 -i display-brightness "$(printf %.0f%% $( brillo -G) )" # Change screen temp # Take a screenshot (full) Print maim | tee ~/Pictures/Screenshots/pic-full-$(date '+%y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S').png | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png # Take a screenshot (sel) alt + Print ## maim --window $(xdotool getactivewindow) | tee ~/Pictures/Screenshots/pic-sel-$(date '+%y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S').png | xclip -sel c -t image/png maim -D -u --select | tee ~/Pictures/Screenshots/pic-sel-$(date '+%y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S').png | xclip -sel c -t image/png ctrl + Print flameshot gui ############################## #d-menu binary Yes/No Prompts# ############################## #Prompt Yes/No for dwm hot reboot super + shift + q prompt "Do you want to hot reboot dwm?" 'xdotool key alt+shift+q' #Prompt Yes/No to completely exit dwm/Xorg #Prompt Yes/No for shutdown super + shift + x prompt "Do you want to shutdown?" 'shutdown now' alt + shift + x prompt "Do you want to reboot?" 'reboot'