# From github:vim-airline/vim-airline-themes/autoload/airline/themes/atomic.vim # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Bailey Ling & Contributors. # #---------------------------------------------------------------- # ___ __ _ # / | / /_____ ____ ___ (_)____ # / /| |/ __/ __ \/ __ `__ \/ / ___/ # / ___ / /_/ /_/ / / / / / / / /__ # /_/ |_\__/\____/_/ /_/ /_/_/\___/ # #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Theme : Atomic # Version : 2.1.0 # License : MIT # Author : Gerard Bajona # URL : https://github.com/gerardbm/atomic # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Colors will be adapted to the current colorscheme. For better # contrast use the atomic colorscheme: it has ten color palettes # with sixteen colors selected procedurally (algorithms). # # Atomic colorscheme: https://github.com/gerardbm/vim-atomic # ---------------------------------------------------------------- ble-import lib/vim-airline function ble/lib/vim-airline/theme:atomic/initialize { ble-face -r vim_airline_@ ble-face -s vim_airline_a fg=-1,bg=-1 # fg=-1,bg=-1 ble-face -s vim_airline_a_inactive fg=124,bg=-1 # fg=#a52a2a,bg=-1 ble-face -s vim_airline_a_insert fg=-1,bg=29 # fg=-1,bg=#2e8b57 ble-face -s vim_airline_a_replace fg=-1,bg=231 # fg=-1,bg=#ffffff ble-face -s vim_airline_a_visual fg=-1,bg=196 # fg=-1,bg=#ff0000 ble-face -s vim_airline_b fg=-1,bg=124 # fg=-1,bg=#a52a2a ble-face -s vim_airline_b_inactive fg=124,bg=-1 # fg=#a52a2a,bg=-1 ble-face -s vim_airline_c fg=-1,bg=-1 # fg=-1,bg=-1 ble-face -s vim_airline_c_inactive fg=124,bg=-1 # fg=#a52a2a,bg=-1 ble-face -s vim_airline_c_insert fg=29,bg=-1 # fg=#2e8b57,bg=-1 ble-face -s vim_airline_c_replace fg=231,bg=-1 # fg=#ffffff,bg=-1 ble-face -s vim_airline_c_visual fg=196,bg=-1 # fg=#ff0000,bg=-1 }