[ Languages: **English** | [日本語](README-ja.md) (Japanese) ] # blesh-contrib Settings for [akinomyoga/ble.sh](https://github.com/akinomyoga/ble.sh) Unless otherwise specified, files in this repository is licensed by [BSD 3-clause license](LICENSE). The files in `airline` are licensed by the MIT License. ## :pencil: fzf integration Source: [`fzf-completion.bash`](https://github.com/akinomyoga/blesh-contrib/blob/master/fzf-completion.bash), [`fzf-key-bindings.bash`](https://github.com/akinomyoga/blesh-contrib/blob/master/fzf-key-bindings.bash) Note: If you would like to integrate `fzf-completion` with `bash-completion`, `bash-completion` needs to be loaded before `fzf-completion` is loaded. ### Option 1: Setup in `~/.fzf.bash` If you would like to use fzf with `ble.sh`, you can rewrite your `.fzf.bash` in the following way (please replace `/path/to/fzf` by your fzf path, the path to the **fzf directory** but not the fzf binary): ```bash # fzf.bash # Setup fzf # --------- _ble_contrib_fzf_base=/path/to/fzf if [[ ! "$PATH" == *"$_ble_contrib_fzf_base/bin"* ]]; then export PATH="${PATH:+${PATH}:}/path/to/fzf/bin" fi # Auto-completion # --------------- if [[ ${BLE_VERSION-} ]]; then ble-import -d contrib/fzf-completion else [[ $- == *i* ]] && source "$_ble_contrib_fzf_base/shell/completion.bash" 2> /dev/null fi # Key bindings # ------------ if [[ ${BLE_VERSION-} ]]; then ble-import -d contrib/fzf-key-bindings else source "$_ble_contrib_fzf_base/shell/key-bindings.bash" fi ``` ### Option 2: Setup in `~/.blerc` Or, you can directly write settings in your `blerc` as follows (please replace `/path/to/fzf` by your fzf path). In this case do not source `.fzf.bash` in your `.bashrc`. ```bash # blerc # Setup fzf _ble_contrib_fzf_base=/path/to/fzf ble-import -d contrib/fzf-completion ble-import -d contrib/fzf-key-bindings ``` ## :pencil: `contrib/fzf-git` Source: [`fzf-git.bash`](https://github.com/akinomyoga/blesh-contrib/blob/master/fzf-git.bash) You can use [fzf-git](https://gist.github.com/junegunn/8b572b8d4b5eddd8b85e5f4d40f17236) settings for `ble.sh` with the following settings. ```bash # bashrc / fzf.bash if [[ ${BLE_VERSION-} ]]; then _ble_contrib_fzf_base=/path/to/fzf _ble_contrib_fzf_git_config=key-binding:sabbrev:arpeggio ble-import -d contrib/fzf-git fi ``` Or you can configure it in `~/.blerc`: ```bash # blerc _ble_contrib_fzf_base=/path/to/fzf _ble_contrib_fzf_git_config=key-binding:sabbrev:arpeggio ble-import -d contrib/fzf-git ``` The shell variable `_ble_contrib_fzf_git_config` is a colon-separated list of the enabled types of bindings. The value `key-binding` enables the key bindings of the form C-g C-f, C-g C-b, C-g C-t, C-g C-h and C-g C-r. The value `sabbrev` enables the sabbrev expansion for the words `gf`, `gb`, `gt`, `gh` and `gr`. The value `arpeggio` enables the simultaneous key combinations of g f, g b, g t, g h and g r. # ⚙ Prompt sequences ## :pencil: `contrib/prompt-vim-mode` Source: [`prompt-vim-mode.bash`](https://github.com/akinomyoga/blesh-contrib/blob/master/prompt-vim-mode.bash) ### `\q{contrib/vim-mode}` This prompt sequence expands to the vim mode name. ```bash # blerc (example) ble-import contrib/prompt-vim-mode PS1='[\u@\h \W]\q{contrib/vim-mode}\$ ' # show mode name in PS1 bleopt keymap_vi_mode_show:= # hide mode line ``` ## :pencil: `contrib/prompt-git` Source: [`prompt-git.bash`](https://github.com/akinomyoga/blesh-contrib/blob/master/prompt-git.bash) ```bash # blerc (example) ble-import contrib/prompt-git bleopt prompt_rps1='\q{contrib/git-info}' ``` ### `\q{contrib/git-info}` This expands to a string that explains the current git status. ### `\q{contrib/git-name}` This expands to the directory name of the repository. ### `\q{contrib/git-hash N}` This expands to the commit hash. The hash is truncated to the length `N`. The default value for `N` is `7`. ### `\q{contrib/git-branch}` This expands to the branch name (or tag name or hash) of `HEAD`. ### `\q{contrib/git-path}` This expands to the current path relative to the root directory of the repository. ## :pencil: `contrib/prompt-elapsed` Source: [`prompt-elapsed.bash`](https://github.com/akinomyoga/blesh-contrib/blob/master/prompt-elapsed.bash) Measures the time of the previous command execution. ```bash # blerc (example) ble-import contrib/prompt-elapsed bleopt prompt_rps1='\g{fg=69,italic}\q{contrib/elapsed}' ``` ### `\q{contrib/elapsed}` This expands to the high-resolution elapsed time for the command execution. ### `\q{contrib/elapsed-real}` This expands to the `real` time of `time`. ### `\q{contrib/elapsed-user}` This expands to the `user` time of `time`. ### `\q{contrib/elapsed-sys}` This expands to the `sys` time of `time`. ### `\q{contrib/elapsed-cpu}` This expands to the average cpu usage.