windowBg: #282e33; // white: fallback for background windowFg: #f5f5f5; // black: fallback for text windowBgOver: #313b43; // light gray: fallback for background with mouse over windowBgRipple: #3f4850; // darker gray: fallback for ripple effect windowFgOver: #e9ecf0; // black: fallback for text with mouse over windowSubTextFg: #82868a; // gray: fallback for additional text windowSubTextFgOver: #797b7f; // darker gray: fallback for additional text with mouse over windowBoldFg: #e9e8e8; // dark gray: fallback for bold text windowBoldFgOver: #e9e9e9; // dark gray: fallback for bold text with mouse over windowBgActive: #3fc1b0; // bright blue: fallback for blue filled active areas windowFgActive: #ffffff; // white: fallback for text on active areas windowActiveTextFg: #4be1c3; // online blue: fallback for active text like online status windowShadowFg: #000000; // black: fallback for shadow windowShadowFgFallback: windowBg; // gray: fallback for shadow without opacity shadowFg: #00000018; // most shadows (including opacity) slideFadeOutBg: #0000003c; // slide animation (chat to profile) fade out filling slideFadeOutShadowFg: windowShadowFg; // slide animation (chat to profile) fade out right section shadow imageBg: #000000; // image background fallback (when photo size is less than minimum allowed) imageBgTransparent: #ffffff; // image background when displaying an image with opacity where no opacity is needed activeButtonBg: #2da192; // default active button background activeButtonBgOver: #32a898; // default active button background with mouse over activeButtonBgRipple: #42b8a8; // default active button ripple effect activeButtonFg: #ffffff; // default active button text activeButtonFgOver: #ffffff; // default active button text with mouse over activeButtonSecondaryFg: #8ee4d9; // default active button additional text (selected messages counter in forward / delete buttons) activeButtonSecondaryFgOver: activeButtonSecondaryFg; // default active button additional text with mouse over activeLineFg: #3ee2cc; // default active line (like code input field bottom border when you log in and field is focused) activeLineFgError: #f57878; // default active line for error state (like code input field bottom border when you log in and you've entered incorrect code) lightButtonBg: #282e33; // default light button background (like buttons in boxes) lightButtonBgOver: #313b43; // default light button background with mouse over lightButtonBgRipple: #3c474f; // default light button ripple effect lightButtonFg: #79e8da; // default light button text lightButtonFgOver: lightButtonFg; // default light button text with mouse over attentionButtonFg: #f57474; // default attention button text (like confirm button on log out) attentionButtonFgOver: #e76060; // default attention button text with mouse over attentionButtonBgOver: #613a3a64; // default attention button background with mouse over attentionButtonBgRipple: #f4c3c2; // default attention button ripple effect outlineButtonBg: windowBg; // default left outlined button background (like shared media links in profiles) outlineButtonBgOver: #313b43; // default left outlined button background with mouse over outlineButtonOutlineFg: #29baa7; // default left outlined button left outline border outlineButtonBgRipple: #3c474f; // default left outlined button ripple effect menuBg: #282e33; // default popup menu background menuBgOver: #ffffff; // default popup menu item background with mouse over menuBgRipple: #26292d; // default popup menu item ripple effect menuIconFg: #808080; // default popup menu item icon (like main menu) menuIconFgOver: #dcdcdc; // default popup menu item icon with mouse over menuSubmenuArrowFg: #757575; // default popup menu submenu arrow icon (like in message field context menu in case of RTL system language) menuFgDisabled: #737373; // default popup menu item disabled text (like unavailable items in message field context menu) menuSeparatorFg: #42484d; // default popup menu separator (like in message field context menu) scrollBarBg: #ffffff53; // default scroll bar current rectangle, the bar itself (like in chats list) scrollBarBgOver: #ffffff7a; // default scroll bar current rectangle with mouse over it scrollBg: #ffffff1a; // default scroll bar background scrollBgOver: #ffffff2c; // default scroll bar background with mouse over the scroll bar smallCloseIconFg: #6d6d6d; // small X icon (like in Show all sessions box to the right for sessions termination) smallCloseIconFgOver: #a3a3a3; // small X icon with mouse over radialFg: windowFgActive; // default radial loader line (like in Media Viewer when loading a photo) radialBg: #00000056; // default radial loader background (like in Media Viewer when loading a photo) placeholderFg: #818991; // default input field placeholder when field is not focused (like in phone input field when you log in) placeholderFgActive: #5d6165; // default input field placeholder when field is focused inputBorderFg: #6f6f6f; // default input field bottom border (like in code input field when you log in and field is not focused) filterInputBorderFg: #3d444b; // default rounded input field border (like in chats list search field when field is focused) filterInputInactiveBg: #3d444b; // default rounded input field background (like in chats list search field when field is inactive) checkboxFg: #6c6c6c; // default unchecked checkbox rounded rectangle (and also emoji category icons) sliderBgInactive: #545454; // default slider not active bar (like in Settings when you choose interface scale or custom notifications count) sliderBgActive: windowBgActive; // default slider active bar (like in Settings when you choose interface scale or custom notifications count) tooltipBg: #d4dadd; // tooltip background (like when you put mouse over the message timestamp and wait) tooltipFg: #9a9e9c; // tooltip text tooltipBorderFg: #c9d1db; // tooltip border titleShadow: #00000003; // one pixel line shadow at the bottom of custom window title titleBg: #3a4047; // custom window title background when window is inactive titleBgActive: titleBg; // custom window title background when window is active titleButtonBg: titleBg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background when window is inactive (Windows only) titleButtonFg: #8b9096; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon when window is inactive (Windows only) titleButtonBgOver: #4c535b; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only) titleButtonFgOver: #e0e0e0; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only) titleButtonBgActive: titleButtonBg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background when window is active (Windows only) titleButtonFgActive: titleButtonFg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon when window is active (Windows only) titleButtonBgActiveOver: titleButtonBgOver; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background with mouse over when window is active (Windows only) titleButtonFgActiveOver: titleButtonFgOver; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon with mouse over when window is active (Windows only) titleButtonCloseBg: titleButtonBg; // custom window title close button background when window is inactive (Windows only) titleButtonCloseFg: titleButtonFg; // custom window title close button icon when window is inactive (Windows only) titleButtonCloseBgOver: #e81123; // custom window title close button background with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only) titleButtonCloseFgOver: windowFgActive; // custom window title close button icon with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only) titleButtonCloseBgActive: titleButtonCloseBg; // custom window title close button background when window is active (Windows only) titleButtonCloseFgActive: titleButtonCloseFg; // custom window title close button icon when window is active (Windows only) titleButtonCloseBgActiveOver: titleButtonCloseBgOver; // custom window title close button background with mouse over when window is active (Windows only) titleButtonCloseFgActiveOver: titleButtonCloseFgOver; // custom window title close button icon with mouse over when window is active (Windows only) titleFg: #666666; // custom window title text when window is inactive (macOS only) titleFgActive: #808080; // custom window title text when window is active (macOS only) trayCounterBg: #f23c34; // tray icon counter background trayCounterBgMute: #888888; // tray icon counter background if all unread messages are muted trayCounterFg: #ffffff; // tray icon counter text trayCounterBgMacInvert: #ffffff; // tray icon counter background when tray icon is pressed or when dark theme of macOS is used (macOS only) trayCounterFgMacInvert: #ffffff01; // tray icon counter text when tray icon is pressed or when dark theme of macOS is used (macOS only) layerBg: #0000007f; // box and main menu background layer fade cancelIconFg: #666666; // default for settings close icon and box search cancel icon cancelIconFgOver: #dcdcdc; // default for settings close icon and box search cancel icon with mouse over boxBg: windowBg; // box background boxTextFg: windowFg; // box text boxTextFgGood: #56dbce; // accepted box text (like when choosing username that is not occupied) boxTextFgError: #d84d4d; // rejecting box text (like when choosing username that is occupied) boxTitleFg: #ebebeb; // box title text boxSearchBg: #282e33; // box search field background (like in contacts box) boxTitleAdditionalFg: #808080; // box title additional text (like in create group box when you see chosen members count) boxTitleCloseFg: cancelIconFg; // settings close icon and box search cancel icon (like in contacts box) boxTitleCloseFgOver: cancelIconFgOver; // settings close icon and box search cancel icon (like in contacts box) with mouse over membersAboutLimitFg: #5e6065; // text in channel members box about the limit (max 200 last members are shown) contactsBg: #222528; // contacts (and some other) box row background contactsBgOver: #282e33; // contacts (and some other) box row background with mouse over contactsNameFg: boxTextFg; // contacts (and some other) box row name text contactsStatusFg: #808080; // contacts (and some other) box row additional text (like last seen stamp) contactsStatusFgOver: #808080; // contacts (and some other) box row additional text (like last seen stamp) with mouse over contactsStatusFgOnline: #55e1d3; // contacts (and some other) box row active additional text (like online status) photoCropFadeBg: layerBg; // avatar crop box fade background (when choosing a new photo in Settings or for a group) photoCropPointFg: #ffffff7f; // avatar crop box corner rectangles (when choosing a new photo in Settings or for a group) callArrowFg: #2bc7b8; // received phone call arrow (in calls list box) callArrowMissedFg: #dd5b4a; // missed phone call arrow (in calls list box) introBg: windowBg; // login background introTitleFg: #eeeeee; // login title text introDescriptionFg: #999999; // login description text introErrorFg: #999999; // login error text (like when providing a wrong log in code) introCoverTopBg: #188173; // intro gradient top (from) introCoverBottomBg: #188173; // intro gradient bottom (to) introCoverIconsFg: #34a495; // intro cloud graphics introCoverPlaneTrace: #329d8f; // intro plane traces introCoverPlaneInner: #ced9e2; // intro plane part introCoverPlaneOuter: #97a9b5; // intro plane part introCoverPlaneTop: #ffffff; // intro plane part dialogsMenuIconFg: menuIconFg; // main menu and lock telegram icon dialogsMenuIconFgOver: menuIconFgOver; // main menu and lock telegram icon with mouse over dialogsBg: windowBg; // chat list background dialogsNameFg: #f5f5f5; // chat list name text dialogsChatIconFg: dialogsNameFg; // chat list group or channel icon dialogsDateFg: #6d727c; // chat list date text dialogsTextFg: #8d939e; // chat list message text dialogsTextFgService: #ebebeb; // chat list group sender name text (or media message type text) dialogsDraftFg: #ec6657; // chat list draft label dialogsVerifiedIconBg: #53edde; // chat list verified icon background dialogsVerifiedIconFg: #282e33; // chat list verified icon check dialogsSendingIconFg: #727272; // chat list sending message icon (clock) dialogsSentIconFg: #20eeda; // chat list sent message tick / double tick icon dialogsUnreadBg: #05a091; // chat list unread badge background for not muted chat dialogsUnreadBgMuted: #495159; // chat list unread badge background for muted chat dialogsUnreadFg: #ffffff; // chat list unread badge text dialogsBgOver: #353c43; // chat list background with mouse over dialogsNameFgOver: windowBoldFgOver; // chat list name text with mouse over dialogsChatIconFgOver: dialogsNameFgOver; // chat list group or channel icon with mouse over dialogsDateFgOver: #6d727c; // chat list date text with mouse over dialogsTextFgOver: #a3a7ae; // chat list message text with mouse over dialogsTextFgServiceOver: #f0f0f0; // chat list group sender name text with mouse over dialogsDraftFgOver: dialogsDraftFg; // chat list draft label with mouse over dialogsVerifiedIconBgOver: #53edde; // chat list verified icon background with mouse over dialogsVerifiedIconFgOver: dialogsVerifiedIconFg; // chat list verified icon check with mouse over dialogsSendingIconFgOver: dialogsSendingIconFg; // chat list sending message icon (clock) with mouse over dialogsSentIconFgOver: #41f0df; // chat list sent message tick / double tick icon with mouse over dialogsUnreadBgOver: #009687; // chat list unread badge background for not muted chat with mouse over dialogsUnreadBgMutedOver: #555e67; // chat list unread badge background for muted chat with mouse over dialogsUnreadFgOver: dialogsUnreadFg; // chat list unread badge text with mouse over dialogsBgActive: #009687; // chat list background for current (active) chat dialogsNameFgActive: windowFgActive; // chat list name text for current (active) chat dialogsChatIconFgActive: dialogsNameFgActive; // chat list group or channel icon for current (active) chat dialogsDateFgActive: windowFgActive; // chat list date text for current (active) chat dialogsTextFgActive: windowFgActive; // chat list message text for current (active) chat dialogsTextFgServiceActive: dialogsTextFgActive; // chat list group sender name text for current (active) chat dialogsDraftFgActive: #c6f7f3; // chat list draft label for current (active) chat dialogsVerifiedIconBgActive: dialogsTextFgActive; // chat list verified icon background for current (active) chat dialogsVerifiedIconFgActive: dialogsBgActive; // chat list verified icon check for current (active) chat dialogsSendingIconFgActive: #ffffff99; // chat list sending message icon (clock) for current (active) chat dialogsSentIconFgActive: dialogsTextFgActive; // chat list sent message tick / double tick icon for current (active) chat dialogsUnreadBgActive: dialogsTextFgActive; // chat list unread badge background for not muted chat for current (active) chat dialogsUnreadBgMutedActive: #cbf7e9; // chat list unread badge background for muted chat for current (active) chat dialogsUnreadFgActive: #039d8e; // chat list unread badge text for current (active) chat dialogsRippleBg: #43474d; // dialogsRippleBgActive: #12a798; // dialogsForwardBg: dialogsBgActive; // forwarding panel background (when forwarding messages in the smallest window size) dialogsForwardFg: dialogsNameFgActive; // forwarding panel text (when forwarding messages in the smallest window size) searchedBarBg: #3a4047; // search results bar background (in chats list, contacts box..) searchedBarFg: #a8a8a8; // search results bar text (in chats list, contacts box..) topBarBg: #282e33; // top bar background (in chat view, media overview..) emojiPanBg: windowBg; // emoji panel background emojiPanCategories: #20262b; // emoji panel categories background emojiPanHeaderFg: #90949a; // emoji panel section header text emojiPanHeaderBg: #fffffff2; // emoji panel section header background stickerPanDeleteBg: #000000cc; // delete X button background for custom sent stickers in stickers panel (legacy) stickerPanDeleteFg: windowFgActive; // delete X button icon for custom sent stickers in stickers panel (legacy) stickerPreviewBg: #000000b0; // sticker and GIF preview background (when you press and hold on a sticker) historyTextInFg: windowFg; // inbox message text historyTextInFgSelected: #ffffff; // inbox message selected text or text in a selected message historyTextOutFg: #e4ecf2; // outbox message text historyTextOutFgSelected: #ffffff; // outbox message selected text or text in a selected message historyLinkInFg: #37e1cb; // inbox message link historyLinkInFgSelected: #a7fff4; // inbox message link in a selected text or message historyLinkOutFg: #37e1cb; // outbox message link historyLinkOutFgSelected: #a7fff4; // outbox message link in a selected text or message historyFileNameInFg: historyTextInFg; // inbox media filename text historyFileNameInFgSelected: #ffffff; // inbox media filename text in a selected message historyFileNameOutFg: historyTextOutFg; // outbox media filename text historyFileNameOutFgSelected: #ffffff; // outbox media filename text in a selected message historyOutIconFg: #40e6c5; // outbox message tick / double tick icon historyOutIconFgSelected: #ffffff; // outbox message tick / double tick icon in a selected message historyIconFgInverted: #40e6c5; // media message tick / double tick icon (like in sent photo) historySendingOutIconFg: #9eface; // outbox sending message icon (clock) historySendingInIconFg: #76838b; // inbox sending message icon (clock) (like in sent messages to yourself or in sent messages to a channel) historySendingInvertedIconFg: #ffffffc8; // media sending message icon (clock) (like in sent photo) historyCallArrowInFg: #26c2ad; // received phone call arrow historyCallArrowInFgSelected: #ffffff; // received phone call arrow in a selected message historyCallArrowMissedInFg: callArrowMissedFg; // missed phone call arrow historyCallArrowMissedInFgSelected: #ffffff; // missed phone call arrow in a selected message historyCallArrowOutFg: #ffffff; // outgoing phone call arrow historyCallArrowOutFgSelected: #ffffff; // outgoing phone call arrow historyUnreadBarBg: #33393f; // new unread messages bar background historyUnreadBarBorder: shadowFg; // new unread messages bar shadow historyUnreadBarFg: #3cd3bf; // new unread messages bar text historyForwardChooseBg: #0000004c; // forwarding messages in a large window size "choose recipient" background historyForwardChooseFg: windowFgActive; // forwarding messages in a large window size "choose recipient" text historyPeer1NameFg: #ec7577; // red group member name historyPeer1NameFgSelected: #ffffff; // red group member name in a selected message historyPeer1UserpicBg: #e17076; // red userpic background historyPeer2NameFg: #86d67f; // green group member name historyPeer2NameFgSelected: #ffffff; // green group member name in a selected message historyPeer2UserpicBg: #7bc862; // green userpic background historyPeer3NameFg: #e4c054; // yellow group member name historyPeer3NameFgSelected: #ffffff; // yellow group member name in a selected message historyPeer3UserpicBg: #ccad4f; // yellow userpic background historyPeer4NameFg: #68c7f3; // blue group member name historyPeer4NameFgSelected: #ffffff; // blue group member name in a selected message historyPeer4UserpicBg: #65aadd; // blue userpic background historyPeer5NameFg: #b383f3; // purple group member name historyPeer5NameFgSelected: #ffffff; // purple group member name in a selected message historyPeer5UserpicBg: #a695e7; // purple userpic background historyPeer6NameFg: #e16794; // pink group member name historyPeer6NameFgSelected: #ffffff; // pink group member name in a selected message historyPeer6UserpicBg: #ee7aae; // pink userpic background historyPeer7NameFg: #57c9e0; // sea group member name historyPeer7NameFgSelected: #ffffff; // sea group member name in a selected message historyPeer7UserpicBg: #6ec9cb; // sea userpic background historyPeer8NameFg: #efb05d; // orange group member name historyPeer8NameFgSelected: #ffffff; // orange group member name in a selected message historyPeer8UserpicBg: #eda86c; // orange userpic background historyPeerUserpicFg: windowFgActive; // default userpic initials historyScrollBarBg: #8989897a; // scroll bar current rectangle, the bar itself in the chat view (adjusted) historyScrollBarBgOver: #6b6b6bbc; // scroll bar current rectangle with mouse over it in the chat view (adjusted) historyScrollBg: #5f5f5f4c; // scroll bar background (adjusted) historyScrollBgOver: #6262626b; // scroll bar background with mouse over the scroll bar (adjusted) msgInBg: #33393f; // inbox message background msgInBgSelected: #009687; // inbox selected message background (and background of selected text in those messages) msgOutBg: #2a2f33; // outbox message background msgOutBgSelected: #009687; // outbox selected message background (and background of selected text in those messages) msgSelectOverlay: #35d4bf4c; // overlay which is filling the media parts of selected messages (like in selected photo message) msgStickerOverlay: #35d4bf7f; // overlay which is filling the selected sticker message msgInServiceFg: windowActiveTextFg; // inbox message information text (like information about a forwarded message original sender) msgInServiceFgSelected: #ffffff; // inbox selected message information text (like information about a forwarded message original sender) msgOutServiceFg: #60e5cb; // outbox message information text (like information about a forwarded message original sender) msgOutServiceFgSelected: #ffffff; // outbox message information text (like information about a forwarded message original sender) msgInShadow: #748ea200; // inbox message shadow (below the bubble) msgInShadowSelected: #538ebb00; // inbox selected message shadow (below the bubble) msgOutShadow: #00000000; // outbox message shadow (below the bubble) msgOutShadowSelected: #37a78d00; // outbox selected message shadow (below the bubble) msgInDateFg: #828d94; // inbox message time text msgInDateFgSelected: #ffffff; // inbox selected message time text msgOutDateFg: #737f87; // outbox message time text msgOutDateFgSelected: #ffffff; // outbox selected message time text msgServiceFg: windowFgActive; // service message text (like date dividers or service message about the group title being changed) msgServiceBg: #363c43c8; // service message background (like in a service message about group title being changed) (adjusted) msgServiceBgSelected: #009687; // service message selected text background (like in a service message about group title being changed) (adjusted) msgInReplyBarColor: #32ceb9; // inbox message reply outline msgInReplyBarSelColor: #ffffff; // inbox selected message reply outline msgOutReplyBarColor: #32ceb9; // outbox message reply outline msgOutReplyBarSelColor: #ffffff; // outbox selected message reply outline msgImgReplyBarColor: msgServiceFg; // sticker message reply outline msgInMonoFg: #5aaba0; // inbox message monospace text (like a message sent with `test` text) msgOutMonoFg: #c2f2ec; // outbox message monospace text msgInMonoFgSelected: #a7fff4; // inbox message monospace text in a selected text or message msgOutMonoFgSelected: #c9fff8; // outbox message monospace text in a selected text or message msgDateImgFg: msgServiceFg; // media message time text (like time text in a sent photo) msgDateImgBg: #00000054; // media message time bubble background (like time bubble in a sent photo) or file with thumbnail download icon circle background msgDateImgBgOver: #00000074; // media message download icon circle background with mouse over (like file with thumbnail download icon) msgDateImgBgSelected: #1c706587; // selected media message time bubble background msgFileThumbLinkInFg: lightButtonFg; // inbox media file message with thumbnail download / open with button text msgFileThumbLinkInFgSelected: lightButtonFgOver; // inbox selected media file message with thumbnail download / open with button text msgFileThumbLinkOutFg: #60e5cb; // outbox media file message with thumbnail download / open with button text msgFileThumbLinkOutFgSelected: #ffffff; // outbox selected media file message with thumbnail download / open with button text msgFileInBg: #50d4c3; // inbox audio file download circle background msgFileInBgOver: #48cfbd; // inbox audio file download circle background with mouse over msgFileInBgSelected: #ffffff; // inbox selected audio file download circle background msgFileOutBg: #11bfab; // outbox audio file download circle background msgFileOutBgOver: #ffffff; // outbox audio file download circle background with mouse over msgFileOutBgSelected: #ffffff; // outbox selected audio file download circle background msgFile1Bg: #3fbbab; // blue shared links / files without image square thumbnail msgFile1BgDark: #269f8f; // blue shared files without image download circle background msgFile1BgOver: #52c4b5; // blue shared files without image download circle background with mouse over msgFile1BgSelected: #ffffff; // blue shared files without image download circle background if file is selected msgFile2Bg: #8ef5e8; // green shared links / shared files without image square thumbnail msgFile2BgDark: #7ef7e7; // green shared files without image download circle background msgFile2BgOver: #8df7e9; // green shared files without image download circle background with mouse over msgFile2BgSelected: #ffffff; // green shared files without image download circle background if file is selected msgFile3Bg: #e47272; // red shared links / shared files without image square thumbnail msgFile3BgDark: #cd5b5e; // red shared files without image download circle background msgFile3BgOver: #c35154; // red shared files without image download circle background with mouse over msgFile3BgSelected: #9f6a82; // red shared files without image download circle background if file is selected msgFile4Bg: #efc274; // yellow shared links / shared files without image square thumbnail msgFile4BgDark: #e6a561; // yellow shared files without image download circle background msgFile4BgOver: #dc9c5a; // yellow shared files without image download circle background with mouse over msgFile4BgSelected: #b19d84; // yellow shared files without image download circle background if file is selected historyFileInIconFg: #33393f; // inbox file without thumbnail (like audio file) download arrow icon historyFileInIconFgSelected: #009687; // inbox selected file without thumbnail (like audio file) download arrow icon historyFileInRadialFg: #33393f; // inbox file without thumbnail (like audio file) radial download animation line historyFileInRadialFgSelected: historyFileInIconFgSelected; // inbox selected file without thumbnail (like audio file) radial download animation line historyFileOutIconFg: #33393f; // outbox file without thumbnail (like audio file) download arrow icon historyFileOutIconFgSelected: #009687; // outbox selected file without thumbnail (like audio file) download arrow icon historyFileOutRadialFg: historyFileOutIconFg; // outbox file without thumbnail (like audio file) radial download animation line historyFileOutRadialFgSelected: #009687; // outbox selected file without thumbnail (like audio file) radial download animation line historyFileThumbIconFg: #efefef; // file with thumbnail (or photo / video) download arrow icon historyFileThumbIconFgSelected: #ffffff; // selected file with thumbnail (or photo / video) download arrow icon historyFileThumbRadialFg: historyFileThumbIconFg; // file with thumbnail (or photo / video) radial download animation line historyFileThumbRadialFgSelected: #ffffff; // selected file with thumbnail (or photo / video) radial download animation line historyVideoMessageProgressFg: historyFileThumbIconFg; // radial playback progress in round video messages msgWaveformInActive: windowBgActive; // inbox voice message active waveform lines (like played part of currently playing voice message) msgWaveformInActiveSelected: #ffffff; // inbox selected voice message active waveform lines (like played part of currently playing voice message) msgWaveformInInactive: #5d6b76; // inbox voice message inactive waveform lines (like upcoming part of currently playing voice message) msgWaveformInInactiveSelected: #41d1c0; // inbox selected voice message inactive waveform lines (like upcoming part of currently playing voice message) msgWaveformOutActive: #11bfab; // outbox voice message active waveform lines (like played part of currently playing voice message) msgWaveformOutActiveSelected: #ffffff; // outbox selected voice message active waveform lines (like played part of currently playing voice message) msgWaveformOutInactive: #596874; // outbox voice message inactive waveform lines (like upcoming part of currently playing voice message) msgWaveformOutInactiveSelected: #41d1c0; // outbox selected voice message inactive waveform lines (like upcoming part of currently playing voice message) msgBotKbOverBgAdd: #ffffff14; // this is painted over a bot inline keyboard button (which has msgServiceBg background) when mouse is over that button msgBotKbIconFg: msgServiceFg; // bot inline keyboard button icon in the top-right corner (like in @vote bot when a poll is ready to be shared) msgBotKbRippleBg: #9e9d9d10; // bot inline keyboard button ripple effect mediaInFg: msgInDateFg; // inbox media message status text (like in file that is being downloaded) mediaInFgSelected: msgInDateFgSelected; // inbox selected media message status text (like in file that is being downloaded) mediaOutFg: msgOutDateFg; // outbox media message status text (like in file that is being downloaded) mediaOutFgSelected: msgOutDateFgSelected; // outbox selected media message status text (like in file that is being downloaded) youtubePlayIconBg: #e83131c8; // youtube play icon background (when a link to a youtube video with a webpage preview is sent) youtubePlayIconFg: windowFgActive; // youtube play icon arrow (when a link to a youtube video with a webpage preview is sent) videoPlayIconBg: #0000007f; // other video play icon background (like when a link to a vimeo video with a webpage preview is sent) videoPlayIconFg: #ffffff; // other video play icon arrow (like when a link to a vimeo video with a webpage preview is sent) toastBg: #000000b2; // toast notification background (like when you click on your link when editing your username) toastFg: windowFgActive; // toast notification text (like when you click on your link when editing your username) reportSpamBg: #363c42; // report spam panel background (like a non contact user writes your for the first time) reportSpamFg: windowFg; // report spam panel text (when you send a report from that panel) historyToDownBg: #434d57; // arrow button background (to scroll to the end of the viewed chat) historyToDownBgOver: #515b65; // arrow button background with mouse over historyToDownBgRipple: #636d77; // arrow button ripple effect historyToDownFg: #adb4ba; // arrow button icon historyToDownFgOver: menuIconFgOver; // arrow button icon with mouse over historyToDownShadow: #00000040; // arrow button shadow historyComposeAreaBg: #282e33; // history compose area background (message write area / reply information / forwarding information) historyComposeAreaFg: historyTextInFg; // history compose area text historyComposeAreaFgService: msgInDateFg; // history compose area text when replying to a media message historyComposeIconFg: menuIconFg; // history compose area icon (like emoji, attach, bot command..) historyComposeIconFgOver: menuIconFgOver; // history compose area icon with mouse over historySendIconFg: windowBgActive; // send message icon historySendIconFgOver: windowBgActive; // send message icon with mouse over historyPinnedBg: historyComposeAreaBg; // pinned message area background historyReplyBg: historyComposeAreaBg; // reply / forward / edit message area background historyReplyIconFg: windowBgActive; // reply / forward / edit message left icon historyReplyCancelFg: cancelIconFg; // reply / forward / edit message cancel button historyReplyCancelFgOver: cancelIconFgOver; // reply / forward / edit message cancel button with mouse over historyComposeButtonBg: historyComposeAreaBg; // unblock / join channel / mute channel button background historyComposeButtonBgOver: #31363c; // unblock / join channel / mute channel button background with mouse over historyComposeButtonBgRipple: #272b2f; // unblock / join channel / mute channel button ripple effect overviewCheckBg: #00000040; // shared files / links checkbox background for not selected rows when some rows are selected overviewCheckFg: #ffffff; // shared files / links checkbox icon for not selected rows when some rows are selected overviewCheckFgActive: #ffffff; // shared files / links checkbox icon for selected rows overviewPhotoSelectOverlay: #40ace333; // shared photos / videos / links fill for selected rows profileStatusFgOver: #9c9c9c; // group members list in group profile user last seen text with mouse over profileVerifiedCheckBg: windowBgActive; // profile verified check icon background profileVerifiedCheckFg: windowFgActive; // profile verified check icon tick profileAdminStartFg: windowBgActive; // group members list admin star icon notificationsBoxMonitorFg: windowFg; // custom notifications settings box monitor color notificationsBoxScreenBg: dialogsBgActive; // #6389a8; // custom notifications settings box monitor screen background notificationSampleUserpicFg: windowBgActive; // custom notifications settings box small sample userpic placeholder notificationSampleCloseFg: #d7d7d7; // custom notifications settings box small sample close button placeholder notificationSampleTextFg: #d7d7d7; // custom notifications settings box small sample text placeholder notificationSampleNameFg: #939393; // custom notifications settings box small sample name placeholder changePhoneSimcardFrom: notificationSampleTextFg; // change phone number box left simcard icon changePhoneSimcardTo: notificationSampleNameFg; // change phone number box right simcard and plane icons mainMenuBg: windowBg; // main menu background mainMenuCoverBg: #009687; // main menu top cover background mainMenuCoverFg: windowFgActive; // main menu top cover text mainMenuCloudFg: activeButtonFg; // mainMenuCloudBg: #0e837f; // mediaPlayerBg: windowBg; // audio file player background mediaPlayerActiveFg: windowBgActive; // audio file player playback progress already played part mediaPlayerInactiveFg: sliderBgInactive; // audio file player playback progress upcoming (not played yet) part with mouse over mediaPlayerDisabledFg: #9dd1ef; // audio file player loading progress (when you're playing an audio file and switch to the previous one which is not loaded yet) mediaviewFileBg: windowBg; // file rectangle background (when you view a png file in Media Viewer and go to a previous, not loaded yet, file) mediaviewFileNameFg: windowFg; // file name in file rectangle mediaviewFileSizeFg: windowSubTextFg; // file size text in file rectangle mediaviewFileRedCornerFg: #d55959; // red file thumbnail placeholder corner in file rectangle (for a file without thumbnail, like .pdf) mediaviewFileYellowCornerFg: #e8a659; // yellow file thumbnail placeholder corner in file rectangle (for a file without thumbnail, like .zip) mediaviewFileGreenCornerFg: #49a957; // green file thumbnail placeholder corner in file rectangle (for a file without thumbnail, like .exe) mediaviewFileBlueCornerFg: #599dcf; // blue file thumbnail placeholder corner in file rectangle (for a file without thumbnail, like .dmg) mediaviewFileExtFg: activeButtonFg; // file extension text in file thumbnail placeholder in file rectangle mediaviewMenuBg: #383838; // context menu in Media Viewer background mediaviewMenuBgOver: #505050; // context menu item background with mouse over mediaviewMenuBgRipple: #676767; // context menu item ripple effect mediaviewMenuFg: windowFgActive; // context menu item text mediaviewBg: #222222eb; // Media Viewer background mediaviewVideoBg: imageBg; // Media Viewer background when viewing a video in full screen mediaviewControlBg: #0000003c; // controls background (like next photo / previous photo) mediaviewControlFg: windowFgActive; // controls icon (like next photo / previous photo) mediaviewCaptionBg: #11111180; // caption text background (when viewing photo with caption) mediaviewCaptionFg: mediaviewControlFg; // caption text mediaviewTextLinkFg: #66f7e4; // caption text link mediaviewSaveMsgBg: toastBg; // save to file toast message background in Media Viewer mediaviewSaveMsgFg: toastFg; // save to file toast message text mediaviewPlaybackActive: #c7c7c7; // video playback progress already played part mediaviewPlaybackInactive: #252525; // video playback progress upcoming (not played yet) part mediaviewPlaybackActiveOver: #ffffff; // video playback progress already played part with mouse over mediaviewPlaybackInactiveOver: #474747; // video playback progress upcoming (not played yet) part with mouse over mediaviewPlaybackProgressFg: #ffffffc7; // video playback progress text mediaviewPlaybackIconFg: mediaviewPlaybackActive; // video playback controls icon mediaviewPlaybackIconFgOver: mediaviewPlaybackActiveOver; // video playback controls icon with mouse over mediaviewTransparentBg: #ffffff; // transparent filling part (when viewing a transparent .png file in Media Viewer) mediaviewTransparentFg: #cccccc; // another transparent filling part notificationBg: windowBg; // custom notification window background callBg: #26282cf2; // phone call popup background callNameFg: #ffffff; // phone call popup name text callFingerprintBg: #00000066; // phone call popup emoji fingerprint background callStatusFg: #aaabac; // phone call popup status text callIconFg: #ffffff; // phone call popup answer, hangup and mute mic icon callAnswerBg: #5ad1c1; // phone call popup answer button background callAnswerRipple: #42c2b1; // phone call popup answer button ripple effect callAnswerBgOuter: #3febc926; // phone call popup answer button outer ripple effect callHangupBg: #d75a5a; // phone call popup hangup button background callHangupRipple: #c04646; // phone call popup hangup button ripple effect callCancelBg: #ffffff; // phone call popup line busy cancel button background callCancelFg: #777777; // phone call popup line busy cancel button icon callCancelRipple: #f1f1f1; // phone call popup line busy cancel button ripple effect callMuteRipple: #ffffff12; // phone call popup mute mic ripple effect callBarBg: dialogsBgActive; // active phone call bar background callBarMuteRipple: dialogsRippleBgActive; // active phone call bar mute and hangup button ripple effect callBarBgMuted: #8f8f8f; // phone call bar with muted mic background callBarUnmuteRipple: #7f7f7f; // phone call bar with muted mic mute and hangup button ripple effect callBarFg: dialogsNameFgActive; // phone call bar text and icons importantTooltipBg: toastBg; // importantTooltipFg: toastFg; // importantTooltipFgLink: #65fce8; // filterInputActiveBg: #3d444b; botKbBg: #3d444b; botKbDownBg: #494f55; emojiIconFg: #6c7278; emojiIconFgActive: #36cdb9; overviewCheckBorder: #e4eaef;