
echo "Welcome to 4chan web/image scrapping script"
#echo -e "What would you like to do?\r\n1)sync from phone to pc 2)sync from pc to phone "
echo "Is it wallpaper/general (wg) or anime wallpaper (w)?"
read option
echo "Enter folder name:"
read dir
echo "Enter thread no.: (#######)"
read thread
if [[ $option = w ]] ; then
 	mkdir -p /home/$USER/Pictures/Wallpaper/4chget/w/$dir
	mkdir -p /home/$USER/Pictures/Wallpaper/4chget/wg/$dir

case "$option" in
		wget -P Pictures/Wallpaper/4chget/wg/$dir -nd -r -l 1 -H -D i.4cdn.org,is2.4chan.org -A png,jpg,jpeg -R '?????????????s.*' https://boards.4chan.org/wg/thread/$thread ;;

		wget -P Pictures/Wallpaper/4chget/w/$dir -nd -r -l 1 -H -D i.4cdn.org,is2.4chan.org -A png,jpg,jpeg -R '?????????????s.*' https://boards.4channel.org/w/thread/$thread ;;