#!/bin/sh walldir="$HOME/pix/Wallpaper/w/wow" if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Chosing a random wallpaper..." wall=$(find "$walldir" -type f | shuf -n 1) echo "Setting up the wallpaper: $(echo "$wall" |cut -d '/' -f 8)" else wall="$1" fi echo "Setting up the wallpaper: $wall" xwallpaper --zoom "$wall" && echo "Generating pywal color schemes..." wal -n -i "$wall" >/dev/null && echo "dwm reading Xresources color values at runtime" xdotool key super+F5 [ -n "$(pgrep "telegram")" ] && r="-r" $HOME/.local/usr/wal-telegram/wal-telegram "$r" 2> /dev/null ln -sf ~/.cache/wal/dunstrc ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc pkill dunst && dunst 2> /dev/null & echo "^_^ Enjoy your new look!!!"