##zshell configuration # Example aliases [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/aliasrc" ] && source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/aliasrc" ##doesnt work defaults to fzf #setopt no_auto_menu # require an extra TAB press to open the completion menu #zstyle ':completion::complete:*' gain-privileges 1 # Use vim keys in tab compete menu: #bindkey -M menuselect 'h' vi-backward-char #bindkey -M menuselect 'j' vi-down-line-or-history #bindkey -M menuselect 'k' vi-up-line-or-history #bindkey -M menuselect 'l' vi-forward-char # Documentation: https://github.com/romkatv/zsh4humans/blob/v5/README.md. # Keyboard type: 'mac' or 'pc'. zstyle ':z4h:bindkey' keyboard 'pc' # Don't start tmux. zstyle ':z4h:' start-tmux no # Mark up shell's output with semantic information. zstyle ':z4h:' term-shell-integration 'yes' # Right-arrow key accepts one character ('partial-accept') from # command autosuggestions or the whole thing ('accept')? zstyle ':z4h:autosuggestions' forward-char 'accept' # Recursively traverse directories when TAB-completing files. zstyle ':z4h:fzf-complete' recurse-dirs 'no' # Enable direnv to automatically source .envrc files. zstyle ':z4h:direnv' enable 'no' # Show "loading" and "unloading" notifications from direnv. zstyle ':z4h:direnv:success' notify 'yes' # Enable ('yes') or disable ('no') automatic teleportation of z4h over # SSH when connecting to these hosts. zstyle ':z4h:ssh:example-hostname1' enable 'yes' zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*.example-hostname2' enable 'no' # The default value if none of the overrides above match the hostname. zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*' enable 'no' # Send these files over to the remote host when connecting over SSH to the # enabled hosts. zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*' send-extra-files '~/.nanorc' '~/.env.zsh' # Install or update core components (fzf, zsh-autosuggestions, etc.) and # initialize Zsh. After this point console I/O is unavailable until Zsh # is fully initialized. Everything that requires user interaction or can # perform network I/O must be done above. Everything else is best done below. z4h init || return ## vi mode in zsh bindkey -v # Extend PATH. path=(~/bin $path) # Export environment variables. export GPG_TTY=$TTY # Source additional local files if they exist. z4h source ~/.env.zsh # Use additional Git repositories pulled in with `z4h install`. # # This is just an example that you should delete. It does nothing useful. z4h source ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/lib/diagnostics.zsh # source an individual file z4h load ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/plugins/emoji-clock # load a plugin ##zvm plugin zshell vi-mode #z4h load jeffreytse/zsh-vi-mode/ # Define key bindings. z4h bindkey z4h-backward-kill-word Ctrl+Backspace Ctrl+H z4h bindkey z4h-backward-kill-zword Ctrl+Alt+Backspace z4h bindkey undo Ctrl+/ Shift+Tab # undo the last command line change z4h bindkey redo Alt+/ # redo the last undone command line change z4h bindkey z4h-cd-back Alt+Left # cd into the previous directory z4h bindkey z4h-cd-forward Alt+Right # cd into the next directory z4h bindkey z4h-cd-up Alt+Up # cd into the parent directory z4h bindkey z4h-cd-down Alt+Down # cd into a child directory # Autoload functions. autoload -Uz zmv # Define functions and completions. function md() { [[ $# == 1 ]] && mkdir -p -- "$1" && cd -- "$1" } compdef _directories md # Define named directories: ~w <=> Windows home directory on WSL. [[ -z $z4h_win_home ]] || hash -d w=$z4h_win_home # Define aliases. alias tree='tree -a -I .git' # Add flags to existing aliases. alias ls="${aliases[ls]:-ls} -A" # Set shell options: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Options.html. setopt glob_dots # no special treatment for file names with a leading dot setopt no_auto_menu # require an extra TAB press to open the completion menu