diff options
authorSaumit Dinesan <>2022-07-29 00:39:18 +0530
committerSaumit Dinesan <>2022-07-29 00:39:18 +0530
commit54cdbcd84a52372dc950792e093417123a1843e1 (patch)
parent6a2eddfaebca0ac7d000feaab5dd5ccabffd9bf0 (diff)
nvidia and virtualization option
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index df52ee7..57e7ec7 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ pacman --noconfirm --needed -Sy xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-xkill xorg-xbackligh
gnu-free-fonts ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-joypixels ttf-font-awesome \
sxiv mpv zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf ffmpeg ffmpegthumbnailer imagemagick \
vi vim fzf man-db xwallpaper python-pywal ueberzug unclutter xclip maim \
- zip unzip unrar p7zip nvidia xdotool brightnessctl redshift flameshot \
- git sxhkd zsh pipewire pipewire-pulse rsync qutebrowser libreoffice-fresh \
- ranger libnotify dunst wget jq aria2 cowsay neofetch neovim \
- dhcpcd wpa_supplicant networkmanager ncdu pamixer mpd ncmpcpp \
+ zip unzip unrar p7zip xdotool brightnessctl redshift flameshot \
+ git sxhkd zsh pipewire pipewire-pulse pulseaudio-nextsink rsync libreoffice-fresh \
+ ranger libnotify dunst wget jq aria2 cowsay neofetch neovim qutebrowser \
+ dhcpcd wpa_supplicant networkmanager net-tools ncdu pamixer mpd ncmpcpp \
zsh-syntax-highlighting tmux xdg-user-dirs pass pass-otp libconfig \
polkit polkit-gnome trash-cli geoip gparted bluez bluez-utils yt-dlp &&
@@ -156,10 +156,19 @@ aurprogs='nerd-fonts-fira-code nerd-fonts-ubuntu-mono adobe-source-code-pro-font
picom-git betterlockscreen brave-bin brillo dragon-drop fsearch arc-darkest-theme-git
lxappearance pulsemixer element-desktop telegram-desktop whatsapp-nativefier
htop gotop-bin btop bashtop jdownloader2 librewolf-bin quich-git spotify ytfzf
- notepadqq galculator '
+ notepadqq galculator playerctl'
+nvidia='nvidia nvidia-prime nvidia-utils nvidia-settings'
+virt= 'libvirt qemu virt-manager ebtables libguestfs dnsmasq vde2 bridge-utils openbsd-netcat'
yay --noconfirm -S $aurprogs &&
-yay -S libxft-bgra simple-mtpfs
+yay -S libxft-bgra simple-mtpfs &&
+read -p "Do you wish to install nvidia packages? [y/n]" answer
+if [[ $answer = y ]] ; then
+ yay -S $nvidia
+read -p "Do you wish to install virtualization packages? [y/n]" answer
+if [[ $answer = y ]] ; then
+ yay -S $virt
mkdir -pv $wallp
wget -P $wallp &