diff options
authorSaumit Dinesan <>2023-07-20 23:06:20 +0530
committerSaumit Dinesan <>2023-07-20 23:06:20 +0530
commit62e255e0f862f4ac423c943c52bf8c7a55ee119f (patch)
parente2e58890e820fa4c140a4378395595f8acbbeb0a (diff)
Adding Usage message when handling errorHEADmain
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index f984b44..cea3ffa 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# Dependency check
-[ $(command -v libnotify) ] || { echo "Please install libnotify for notifications"; exit 1; }
+[ $(command -v notify-send) ] || {
+ echo "Please install libnotify for notifications"
+ exit 1
# Folder with subdirectories pre-work,post-work,post-break
# with custom sound files in the format Person-Quote.wav
@@ -13,71 +16,76 @@ declare -A pomo_options
+function show_usage() {
+ echo "Usage: bashmodoro work|break [number of sets]"
+ echo "Example: bashmodoro work 4"
function timer() {
- local bwhite='\033[1m'
- local borange='\e[1;38;5;202m'
- local bred='\e[1;38;5;196m'
- local nc='\033[0m'
- local first_arg_error_msg="Invalid input! Please provide a valid time in seconds, minutes (m), hours (h), or a combination (e.g., 2h30m)."
- # Function to convert time to seconds
- function convert_to_seconds() {
- local input=$1
- local time_mode=${input: -1}
- local value=${input::-1}
- if [[ $time_mode =~ ^[hms]$ ]]; then
- case $time_mode in
- "s") echo "$value";;
- "m") echo "$((value * 60))";;
- "h") echo "$((value * 3600))";;
- esac
- else
- time_mode="s" # Assign default time_mode 's'
- echo "$input" # Treat single number as seconds
- fi
- }
- # Check if arguments are provided
- if [[ $# -eq 0 || ! $1 =~ ^[0-9]+([hms])?$ ]]; then
- echo -e "$first_arg_error_msg"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Extract total_time and time_mode from the input arguments
- local total_time=$(convert_to_seconds "$1")
- # Assign time_mode
- if [[ $1 =~ [hms]$ ]]; then
- local time_mode=${1: -1}
- local value=${1::-1}
- else
- local value=$1
- local time_mode="s"
- fi
- # display timer settings
- echo -e "\n\n\tSession duration: ${bwhite}$value$time_mode${nc}\n\t"
- # starting timer message
- echo -e "\t${bwhite}Starting timer at $(date +"%r")"
- echo -e "\t\tTiming in ${bwhite}$value$time_mode${nc}...\n"
- # Timer function
- function countdown_timer() {
- local duration=$1
- local show_timer=false
- while [[ $duration -gt 0 ]]; do
- if [[ $duration -le 60 ]]; then
- show_timer=true
- fi
- sleep 1
- duration=$((duration - 1))
- if $show_timer ;then
- echo -ne "\r\t\t${bwhite}Timer: $duration sec${nc}"
- fi
- done
- echo -e "\n\t\t${bwhite}Timer ended at $(date +"%r")${nc}\n"
- }
- countdown_timer $total_time
+ local bwhite='\033[1m'
+ local borange='\e[1;38;5;202m'
+ local bred='\e[1;38;5;196m'
+ local nc='\033[0m'
+ local first_arg_error_msg="Invalid input! Please provide a valid time in seconds, minutes (m), hours (h), or a combination (e.g., 2h30m)."
+ # Function to convert time to seconds
+ function convert_to_seconds() {
+ local input=$1
+ local time_mode=${input: -1}
+ local value=${input::-1}
+ if [[ $time_mode =~ ^[hms]$ ]]; then
+ case $time_mode in
+ "s") echo "$value" ;;
+ "m") echo "$((value * 60))" ;;
+ "h") echo "$((value * 3600))" ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ time_mode="s" # Assign default time_mode 's'
+ echo "$input" # Treat single number as seconds
+ fi
+ }
+ # Check if arguments are provided
+ if [[ $# -eq 0 || ! $1 =~ ^[0-9]+([hms])?$ ]]; then
+ echo -e "$first_arg_error_msg"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Extract total_time and time_mode from the input arguments
+ local total_time=$(convert_to_seconds "$1")
+ # Assign time_mode
+ if [[ $1 =~ [hms]$ ]]; then
+ local time_mode=${1: -1}
+ local value=${1::-1}
+ else
+ local value=$1
+ local time_mode="s"
+ fi
+ # display timer settings
+ echo -e "\n\n\tSession duration: ${bwhite}$value$time_mode${nc}\n\t"
+ # starting timer message
+ echo -e "\t${bwhite}Starting timer at $(date +"%r")"
+ echo -e "\t\tTiming in ${bwhite}$value$time_mode${nc}...\n"
+ # Timer function
+ function countdown_timer() {
+ local duration=$1
+ local show_timer=false
+ while [[ $duration -gt 0 ]]; do
+ if [[ $duration -le 60 ]]; then
+ show_timer=true
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ duration=$((duration - 1))
+ if $show_timer; then
+ echo -ne "\r\t\t${bwhite}Timer: $duration sec${nc}"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo -e "\n\t\t${bwhite}Timer ended at $(date +"%r")${nc}\n"
+ }
+ countdown_timer $total_time
# Check if a valid option is provided
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "${pomo_options[$1]}" ]; then
- echo "Please provide a valid option: work or break."
- exit 1
+ show_usage
+ exit 1
@@ -85,44 +93,45 @@ reps=${2:-1} # if 2nd argument(repetitions) not provided by default it's 1
# Determine the starting session type
if [ "$1" == "work" ]; then
- sessions=("work" "break")
+ sessions=("work" "break")
- sessions=("break" "work")
+ sessions=("break" "work")
# Run the timer and print a message when it's done
-for (( i=1; i<=reps; i++ )); do
- for session in "${sessions[@]}"; do
- if [ "$session" == "work" ]; then
- # If first work-rep play pre-work sound
- if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then
- pre_work_sound=$(find "$soundfolder/pre-work" -type f | shuf -n 1) # Person-Quote.wav
- # check is pre_work_sound is set, if yes then executes else skip
- if [[ -n "$pre_work_sound" ]]; then
- title="${pre_work_sound##*/}" # Extract filename without directory
- quote="${pre_work_sound##*-}" # Extract the part after hypher
- notify-send "${title%%-*}" "${quote%.wav}" # Extract before hyphen, Remove .wav extension
- paplay "$pre_work_sound"
- fi
- fi
- # Assign post-work sound
- sound_file=$(find "$soundfolder/post-work" -type f | shuf -n 1) # Person-Quote.wav
- else
- # Else assign post-break sound
- if [ $i -ne $reps ]; then
- sound_file=$(find "$soundfolder/post-break" -type f | shuf -n 1) # Person-Quote.wav
- else unset sound_file
- fi
- fi
- # If lolcat is installed use it, if not run plain
- command -v lolcat >/dev/null 2>&1 && { echo "Pomodoro $i: $session" | lolcat; } || echo "Pomodoro $i: $session"
- timer "${pomo_options[$session]}""$default_time_unit"
- # check is sound_file is set, if yes then executes else skip
- if [[ -n "$sound_file" ]]; then
- # Play a sound when each timer ends
- sound_file_name="${sound_file##*/}" # Extract filename without directory
- notify-send "${sound_file_name%%-*}" "$(echo "${sound_file_name#*-}" | sed 's/\.wav$//')" # Person: Quote
- paplay "$sound_file"
- fi
- done
+for ((i = 1; i <= reps; i++)); do
+ for session in "${sessions[@]}"; do
+ if [ "$session" == "work" ]; then
+ # If first work-rep play pre-work sound
+ if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then
+ pre_work_sound=$(find "$soundfolder/pre-work" -type f | shuf -n 1) # Person-Quote.wav
+ # check is pre_work_sound is set, if yes then executes else skip
+ if [[ -n "$pre_work_sound" ]]; then
+ title="${pre_work_sound##*/}" # Extract filename without directory
+ quote="${pre_work_sound##*-}" # Extract the part after hypher
+ notify-send "${title%%-*}" "${quote%.wav}" # Extract before hyphen, Remove .wav extension
+ paplay "$pre_work_sound"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Assign post-work sound
+ sound_file=$(find "$soundfolder/post-work" -type f | shuf -n 1) # Person-Quote.wav
+ else
+ # Else assign post-break sound
+ if [ $i -ne $reps ]; then
+ sound_file=$(find "$soundfolder/post-break" -type f | shuf -n 1) # Person-Quote.wav
+ else
+ unset sound_file
+ fi
+ fi
+ # If lolcat is installed use it, if not run plain
+ command -v lolcat >/dev/null 2>&1 && { echo "Pomodoro $i: $session" | lolcat; } || echo "Pomodoro $i: $session"
+ timer "${pomo_options[$session]}""$default_time_unit"
+ # check is sound_file is set, if yes then executes else skip
+ if [[ -n "$sound_file" ]]; then
+ # Play a sound when each timer ends
+ sound_file_name="${sound_file##*/}" # Extract filename without directory
+ notify-send "${sound_file_name%%-*}" "$(echo "${sound_file_name#*-}" | sed 's/\.wav$//')" # Person: Quote
+ paplay "$sound_file"
+ fi
+ done