BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainUpdating dunstrc - 1.12 versionSaumit43 hours
AgeCommit messageAuthor
43 hoursUpdating dunstrc - 1.12 versionHEADmainSaumit
2024-09-21.scripts: Adding efi-grub-entry, vpn, and work scriptSaumit
2024-09-12.config: fixes in hypr,flameshot,imv and neofetchSaumit
2024-09-01.config: Using input-remapper2 for caps-esc remapping than hyprlandSaumit
2024-08-25Updating ReadMESaumit
2024-08-25.scripts: Adding current wallp script and 4chget-correction in savepathSaumit
2024-08-25hypr: Using pin dispatcher + changing keybindings for resize and lockSaumit
2024-08-25.config: alias config env + rangerdir cleanup + footterm font sizeSaumit
2024-08-25.config: shell and zsh config additionSaumit
2024-08-25.config: dunst and wpaperd config changesSaumit