diff options
authorSaumit Dinesan <>2023-07-20 01:34:14 +0530
committerSaumit Dinesan <>2023-07-20 01:34:14 +0530
commit5fa8df90badbc8520e0532e988e00954792a2d48 (patch)
parent3e4ce0d7db1a308a8e0d6051e8020211bd84ea94 (diff)
bashrc: shelloptions + histfile options + exporting new envpaths
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/.bashrc b/.bashrc
index 4f49132..2b008dc 100644
--- a/.bashrc
+++ b/.bashrc
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
#neofetch small
+pfetch bash w vi-mode and auto-completion
##[[ $- == *i* ]] && source $HOME/.local/src/blesh/ --noattach
@@ -19,38 +20,45 @@ alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
export TERM="xterm-256color"
+export EDITOR="nvim"
export PS1="\[$(tput bold)\]\[$(tput setaf 1)\][\[$(tput setaf 3)\]\u\[$(tput setaf 2)\]@\[$(tput setaf 4)\]\h \[$(tput setaf 5)\]\W\[$(tput setaf 1)\]]\[$(tput setaf 7)\]\\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]"
#export PS1="[\u@\h ~]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\]"
#susexport PS1="\[$(tput bold)\]\[$(tput setaf 1)\][\[$(tput setaf 6)\]\u\[$(tput setaf 1)\]@\[$(tput setaf 4)\]\h \[$(tput setaf 5)\]\W\[$(tput setaf 1)\]]\[$(tput setaf 7)\]\\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]"
-#auto cd
-## Allows you to cd into directory merely by typing the directory name.
-shopt -s autocd
+# Shell options
#vi mode in bash (uncomment after expertise)
set -o vi
-#Ctrl+D EOF Signal will work on billionth press
-#export IGNOREEOF=1000000000
+#Ctrl+D EOF Disable
set -o ignoreeof
+shopt -s autocd
+shopt -s cdspell # autocorrects cd misspellings
+shopt -s cmdhist # save multi-line commands in history as single line
+shopt -s dotglob
+shopt -s histappend # do not overwrite history
+shopt -s expand_aliases # expand aliases
+shopt -s extglob
+#ignore upper and lowercase when TAB completion
+bind "set completion-ignore-case on"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.scripts"
# Adds `~/.local/bin` to $PATH
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"
export SUDO_ASKPASS="$HOME/.local/bin/tofi-askpass"
+export PATH=/opt/cuda/bin:$PATH
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# Permanent history ignore dupes
+export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
#infinite history
+export HISTSIZE=
#timecodes in bash history :))
#HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T "
-#ignore dupes
-export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
+export HISTTIMEFORMAT="[%F %T] "
export XDG_DATA_HOME="$HOME/.local/share"
@@ -75,4 +83,21 @@ export GRIM_DEFAULT_DIR="$HOME/pix/Screenshots"
#[[ ${BLE_VERSION-} ]] && ble-attach
-export N_PREFIX="$HOME/.local/usr/n"; [[ :$PATH: == *":$N_PREFIX/bin:"* ]] || PATH+=":$N_PREFIX/bin" # Added by n-install (see
+#export N_PREFIX="$HOME/.local/usr/n"; [[ :$PATH: == *":$N_PREFIX/bin:"* ]] || PATH+=":$N_PREFIX/bin" # Added by n-install (see
+osc7_cwd() {
+ local strlen=${#PWD}
+ local encoded=""
+ local pos c o
+ for (( pos=0; pos<strlen; pos++ )); do
+ c=${PWD:$pos:1}
+ case "$c" in
+ [-/:_.!\'\(\)~[:alnum:]] ) o="${c}" ;;
+ * ) printf -v o '%%%02X' "'${c}" ;;
+ esac
+ encoded+="${o}"
+ done
+ printf '\e]7;file://%s%s\e\\' "${HOSTNAME}" "${encoded}"