path: root/.config
diff options
authorSaumit Dinesan <>2022-08-13 18:44:09 +0530
committerSaumit Dinesan <>2022-08-13 18:44:09 +0530
commit0a8502de2456f83603c039025548791f650123be (patch)
treee1672868d0e4eafd0ecdff42646e2f14fa5bc91f /.config
parentaee94489315c63bf9341ca07668ef9449f87a90f (diff)
sxhkdrc cleanup
Diffstat (limited to '.config')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc b/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
index 8d7d788..3c7a92d 100644
--- a/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
+++ b/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
@@ -17,15 +17,6 @@ super + F4
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ {+,-}2% && dunstify "Volume Changed" "Volume set to $(pamixer --get-volume)" -i {volume-high,volume-low} -t 1500 -r {1235,1236}
-# Change volume
-#super + {k,j}
-# pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ {+,-}2%
-# Change volume, chunky
-#super + shift + {k,j}
-# pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ {+,-}10%
#Toggle play/pause in spotify (universal)
@@ -39,25 +30,6 @@ XF86Audio{Prev,Next}
# Change spotify volume only
playerctl -p spotify volume 0.05{+,-} && dunstify "Volume Changed" "Spotify Volume set to $(printf %.0f%% $(echo $(playerctl -p spotify volume)*100 | bc))" -i spotify -r {1400,1401}
-# playerctl -p spotify volume 0.05{+,-} && dunstify "Volume Changed" "Spotify volume set to $(echo $(playerctl -p spotify volume)*100 | bc | sed 's/\..*/%/')" -i spotify -r {1400,1401}
-# playerctl -p spotify volume 0.05{+,-} && dunstify "Volume Changed" "Spotify volume set to $(playerctl -p spotify volume)" -i spotify -t 1500 -r 2300
-# playerctl -p spotify volume 0.05{+,-} && dunstify "Volume Changed" "Spotify volume changed to $(awk -vn=$(playerctl -p spotify volume) 'BEGIN{printf('%.0f%',n*100)}')" -i spotify -t 1500 -r 2300
-#playerctl -p spotify volume 0.05{+,-} && dunstify "Volume Changed" "Spotify volume changed to $(echo $(playerctl -p spotify volume)*100 | bc | sed 's/\..*/%/')" -i spotify
-#dunstify "Volume Changed" "Spotify volume changed to $(echo $(playerctl -p spotify volume)*100 | bc | sed 's/\..*/%/')"
-#super + ;
-#dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause
-#super + {F3,F5}
# Applications #
@@ -161,7 +133,6 @@ super + ctrl + l
brillo -s intel_backlight -{A,U} 5 && dunstify -u normal -t 3000 -r 90210 -i brightness "$(printf %.0f%% $( brillo -G) )"
# Change screen temp
# Take a screenshot (full)