diff options
authorSaumit Dinesan <>2022-05-01 04:17:30 +0530
committerSaumit Dinesan <>2022-05-01 04:17:30 +0530
commitc7ee3cac4974d7f0648f95ef426f35be70c2e770 (patch)
parenta5575436eb7376e896803bd559074681c1df7192 (diff)
removing redundant scripts
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/.scripts/mntwindows b/.scripts/mntwindows
deleted file mode 100755
index 5adb9c5..0000000
--- a/.scripts/mntwindows
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p3 /home/C
-sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p4 /home/D
-sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p5 /home/E
-sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p6 /home/F
-sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p7 /home/G
diff --git a/.scripts/price b/.scripts/price
deleted file mode 100755
index 42c84c1..0000000
--- a/.scripts/price
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# price <url> <Name of currency> <icon> <Price to show in>
-# price bat "Basic Attention Token" 🦁
-# When the name of the currency is multi-word, put it in quotes.
-[ -z "$3" ] && exit 1
-# use $4 as currency, if not passed in use "usd" as default
-interval="@14d" # History contained in chart preceded by '@' (7d = 7 days)
-updateprice() { temp="$(mktemp)"
- curl -s "$$1" > "$temp" &&
- mv -f "$temp" "$pricefile" &&
- curl -s "$$1$interval" > "$temp" &&
- mv -f "$temp" "$chartfile" ;}
-[ -d "$dir" ] || mkdir -p "$dir"
-[ "$(stat -c %x "$pricefile" 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1)" != "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')" ] &&
- updateprice "$1"
-case $BLOCK_BUTTON in
- 1) setsid "$TERMINAL" -e less -Srf "$chartfile" ;;
- 2) notify-send -u low "$3 Updating..." "Updating $2 price..."
- updateprice "$1" && notify-send "$3 Update complete." "$2 price is now
-\$$(cat "$pricefile")" ;;
- 3) uptime="$(date -d "$(stat -c %x "$pricefile")" '+%D at %T' | sed "s|$(date '+%D')|Today|")"
- notify-send "$3 $2 module" "\- <b>Exact price: \$$(cat "$pricefile")</b>
-- Left click for chart of changes.
-- Middle click to update.
-- Shows 🔃 if updating prices.
-- <b>Last updated:
- $uptime</b>" ;;
- 6) "$TERMINAL" -e "$EDITOR" "$0" ;;
-case "$currency" in
- usd) symb="$" ;;
- gbp) symb="£" ;;
- eur) symb="€" ;;
- btc) symb="₿" ;;
-printf "$3$symb%0.2f$after" "$(cat "$pricefile")"
diff --git a/.scripts/redeat b/.scripts/redeat
deleted file mode 100755
index e282131..0000000
--- a/.scripts/redeat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Check if necessary programs are installed
-for prog in dmenu jq sxiv; do
- [ ! "$(which "$prog")" ] && echo "Please install $prog!" && exit 1
-# If notify-send is not installed, use echo as notifier
-[ ! "$(which notify-send)" ] && notifier="echo" || notifier="notify-send"
-# args
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case $1 in
- -l|--limit)
- shift
- LIMIT=$1
- case $LIMIT in
- ''|*[!0-9]*)
- echo 'limit is NaN'
- exit 1
- esac
- shift
- ;;
- -f|--filter)
- shift
- ;;
- -k|--keep)
- KEEP=0
- shift
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- shift
- ;;
- *)
- subreddit=$1
- shift
- ;;
- esac
-# Default config directory
-# Create .config/redyt if it does not exist to prevent
-# the program from not functioning properly
-[ ! -d "$configdir" ] && echo "Directory $configdir does not exist, creating..." && mkdir -p "$configdir"
-# Default subreddit that will be inserted in "subreddit.txt"
-# if it does not exist
-# If subreddit.txt does not exist, create it to prevent
-# the program from not functioning properly
-[ ! -f "$configdir/subreddit.txt" ] && echo "$defaultsub" >> "$configdir/subreddit.txt"
-# If no argument is passed
-if [ -z "$subreddit" ]; then
- # Ask the user to enter a subreddit
- subreddit=$(dmenu -p "Select Subreddit r/" -i -l 10 < "$configdir/subreddit.txt" | awk -F "|" '{print $1}')
- # If no subreddit was chosen, exit
- [ -z "$subreddit" ] && echo "no sub chosen" && exit 1
-# Default directory used to store the feed file and fetched images
-# If cachedir does not exist, create it
-if [ ! -d "$cachedir" ]; then
- echo "$cachedir does not exist, creating..."
- mkdir -p "$cachedir"
-# Send a notification
-[ $VERBOSE = 1 ] && $notifier "Redyt" "📩 Downloading your 🖼️ Memes"
-# Download the subreddit feed, containing only the
-# first 100 entries (limit), and store it inside
-# cachedir/tmp.json
-curl -H "User-agent: 'your bot 0.1'" "$subreddit/hot.json?limit=${LIMIT:-100}" > "$cachedir/tmp.json"
-# Create a list of images
-imgs=$(jq '.' < "$cachedir/tmp.json" | grep url_overridden_by_dest | grep -Eo "http(s|)://.*(jpg|png)\b" | sort -u)
-# If there are no images, exit
-[ -z "$imgs" ] && $notifier "Redyt" "sadly, there are no images for subreddit $subreddit, please try again later!" && exit 1
-# Download images to $cachedir
-for img in $imgs; do
- if [ ! -e "$cachedir/${img##*/}" ]; then
- wget -P "$cachedir" $img
- fi
-# Send a notification
-[ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && $notifier "Redyt" "👍 Download Finished, Enjoy! 😊"
-rm "$cachedir/tmp.json"
-# Display the images
-if [ $FILTER = 1 ]; then
- sxiv -a -o "$cachedir"
- sxiv -a "$cachedir"
-# Once finished, remove all of the cached images
-[ ! $KEEP = 1 ] && rm "${cachedir:?}"/*