path: root/.local/src/blesh/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.local/src/blesh/lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/.local/src/blesh/lib/ b/.local/src/blesh/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6adda33..0000000
--- a/.local/src/blesh/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# this script is a part of blesh ( under BSD-3-Clause license
-function ble/test/getdir {
- dir=$_ble_base_run/$$.test
- [[ -d $dir ]] || ble/bin/mkdir -p "$dir"
-function ble/test/chdir {
- local dir
- ble/test/getdir
- ble/util/getpid
- _ble_test_dir=$dir/$BASHPID.d
- [[ -d $_ble_test_dir ]] ||
- ble/bin/mkdir -p "$_ble_test_dir"
- cd "$_ble_test_dir"
-function ble/test/rmdir {
- [[ -d $_ble_test_dir ]] &&
- ble/bin/rm -rf "$_ble_test_dir"
- return 0
-function ble/test/log {
- if [[ $_ble_test_logfile_fd ]]; then
- ble/util/print "$1" >&$_ble_test_logfile_fd
- fi
- ble/util/print "$1"
-function ble/test/log#open {
- local file=$1
- if ble/fd#alloc _ble_test_logfile_fd '>>$file'; then
- local h10=----------
- [[ -s $file ]] &&
- ble/util/print "$h10$h10$h10$h10$h10$h10$h10" >&$_ble_test_logfile_fd
- ble/util/print "[$(date +'%F %T %Z')] test: start logging" >&$_ble_test_logfile_fd
- fi
-function ble/test/log#close {
- if [[ $_ble_test_logfile_fd ]]; then
- ble/util/print "[$(date +'%F %T %Z')] test: end logging" >&$_ble_test_logfile_fd
- ble/fd#close _ble_test_logfile_fd
- _ble_test_logfile_fd=
- fi
-if ble/bin/.freeze-utility-path colored; then
- function ble/test/diff.impl {
- ble/bin/colored diff -u "$@"
- }
- function ble/test/diff.impl {
- diff -u "$@"
- }
-function ble/test/diff {
- local dir
- ble/test/getdir
- ble/util/getpid
- local f1=$BASHPID.$1.expect
- local f2=$BASHPID.$1.result
- (
- cd "$dir"
- ble/util/print "$2" >| "$f1"
- ble/util/print "$3" >| "$f2"
- ble/util/assign ret 'ble/test/diff.impl "$f1" "$f2"'
- ble/test/log "$ret"
- >| "$f1" >| "$f2"
- )
-function ble/test/start-section {
- [[ $_ble_test_section_fd ]] && ble/test/end-section
- _ble_test_section_title=$1
- _ble_test_section_count=$2
- local dir
- ble/test/getdir
- ble/util/getpid
- _ble_test_section_file=$dir/$BASHPID
- ble/fd#alloc _ble_test_section_fd '> "$_ble_test_section_file"'
-function ble/test/end-section {
- [[ $_ble_test_section_fd ]] || return 1
- ble/fd#close _ble_test_section_fd
- _ble_test_section_fd=
- local ntest npass count=$_ble_test_section_count
- local ntest nfail npass
- builtin eval -- $(
- ble/bin/awk '
- BEGIN{test=0;fail=0;pass=0;}
- /^test /{test++}
- /^fail /{fail++}
- /^pass /{pass++}
- END{print "ntest="test" nfail="fail" npass="pass;}
- ' "$_ble_test_section_file")
- local sgr=$'\e[32m' sgr0=$'\e[m'
- ((npass==ntest)) || sgr=$'\e[31m'
- local ncrash=$((ntest-nfail-npass))
- local nskip=$((count-ntest))
- if ((ntest)); then
- local percentage=$((npass*1000/ntest)) # Note: 切り捨て
- ble/util/sprintf percentage '%6s' "$((percentage/10)).$((percentage%10))%" # "XXX.X%"
- else
- local percentage=---.-%
- fi
- ble/test/log "$sgr$percentage$sgr0 [section] $_ble_test_section_title: $sgr$npass/$ntest$sgr0 ($nfail fail, $ncrash crash, $nskip skip)"
- ((npass==ntest))
-function ble/test/section#incr {
- local title=$1
- [[ $_ble_test_section_fd ]] || return 1
- ble/util/print "test $title" >&$_ble_test_section_fd
-function ble/test/section#report {
- local ext=$? title=$1
- [[ $_ble_test_section_fd ]] || return 1
- local code=fail; ((ext==0)) && code=pass
- ble/util/print "$code $title" >&$_ble_test_section_fd
-function ble/test/.read-arguments {
- local _stdout _stderr _exit _ret
- local qstdout qstderr qexit qret
- local -a buff=()
- while (($#)); do
- local arg=$1; shift
- case $arg in
- ('#'*)
- local ret; ble/string#trim "${arg#'#'}"
- title=$ret ;;
- (stdout[:=]*)
- [[ $qstdout ]] && _stdout=$_stdout$'\n'
- qstdout=1
- _stdout=$_stdout${arg#*[:=]} ;;
- (stderr[:=]*)
- [[ $qstderr ]] && _stderr=$_stderr$'\n'
- qstderr=1
- _stderr=$_stderr${arg#*[:=]} ;;
- (ret[:=]*)
- qret=1
- _ret=${arg#*[:=]} ;;
- (exit[:=]*)
- qexit=1
- _exit=${arg#*[:=]} ;;
- (code[:=]*)
- ((${#buff[@]})) && ble/array#push buff $'\n'
- ble/array#push buff "${arg#*[:=]}" ;;
- (--depth=*)
- caller_depth=${arg#*=} ;;
- (--display-code=*)
- display_code=${arg#*=} ;;
- (*)
- ((${#buff[@]})) && ble/array#push buff ' '
- ble/array#push buff "$arg" ;;
- esac
- done
- [[ $qstdout ]] && item_expect[0]=$_stdout
- [[ $qstderr ]] && item_expect[1]=$_stderr
- [[ $qexit ]] && item_expect[2]=$_exit
- [[ $qret ]] && item_expect[3]=$_ret
- ((${#item_expect[@]})) || item_expect[2]=0
- IFS= builtin eval 'code="${buff[*]}"'
-function ble/test {
- local -a item_name=(stdout stderr exit ret)
- local code title
- local caller_depth=0 display_code=
- local -a item_expect=()
- ble/test/.read-arguments "$@"
- local caller_lineno=${BASH_LINENO[caller_depth+0]}
- local caller_source=${BASH_SOURCE[caller_depth+1]}
- title="$caller_source:$caller_lineno${title+ ($title)}"
- ble/test/section#incr "$title"
- ble/util/assign stderr '
- ble/util/assign stdout "$code" 2>&1'; exit=$?
- local -a item_result=()
- item_result[0]=$stdout
- item_result[1]=$stderr
- item_result[2]=$exit
- item_result[3]=$ret
- local i flag_error=
- for i in "${!item_expect[@]}"; do
- [[ ${item_result[i]} == "${item_expect[i]}" ]] && continue
- if [[ ! $flag_error ]]; then
- flag_error=1
- ble/test/log $'\e[1m'"$title"$'\e[m: \e[91m'"${display_code:-$code}"$'\e[m'
- fi
- ble/test/diff "${item_name[i]}" "${item_expect[i]}" "${item_result[i]}"
- done
- if [[ $flag_error ]]; then
- if [[ ! ${item_expect[1]+set} && $stderr ]]; then
- ble/test/log "<STDERR>"
- ble/test/log "$stderr"
- ble/test/log "</STDERR>"
- fi
- ble/test/log
- fi
- [[ ! $flag_error ]]
- ble/test/section#report "$title"
- return 0